This project was carried out for Dean & Dyball, Construction. Our involvement was as design co-ordinators and material procurement consultants.
This project is the first phase of two to redevelop the old cattle inarkci and existing Somerfield stores close to the centre of Aberystwyth. Thi contract was to construct four linked retailed units in phase 1, the tenants being Somerfields at 1700m2, Peacocks at 450m2, Brantano a 400m2 and Pels at Home at 400m2. Phase 2 consisted of Ihe internal demolition of the existing Somcrficlds store and the construction
of an extension to create a new Matalan store with a total area of 3400m2.
Phase 1 included the upgrade of the existing car park of 150 spaces and the construction of a new car park of 70 spaces and Section 278 works on the main route into Aberystwyth town centre involving installation of a pumped surface water system and retentionĀ tanks.
The contract was let to Dean & Dyball on a JCT Private without quantities and work commenced on site on 6th June 2005.